Is Your Garden Ready for the Summer?

BBQ Season is so close we can already smell the hotdogs and onions. Summer is the perfect time to be in the garden with friends and family and we’re sure a number of back lawns have been neglected over the winter period. Now is the perfect time to prep your garden for the warmer and longer nights ahead.

Online Soil is here to help, sharing some of our top tips to get your garden summer ready. Setting time aside to spruce up the garden now will definitely pay off in the warmer months when you can sit back and relax in the sun.

  • Do a lap of your garden with the wheelbarrow - I’m sure it can be filled with unwanted debris that has emerged over the winter months, including snapped branches, leaves and rusty old tennis rackets.
  • Trim back any overgrown shrubs and foliage - Spring is the perfect time to do this before the summer weather begins. Snip back any over-hanging branches, dead plants, vines, shrubs and anything that has grown a little out of hand.
  • Fix up any broken fences / trellis - With incredibly strong winds over the winter it wouldn’t be a surprise to find some garden furniture or fence panels damaged and in need of repair. Fixing or replacing these in Spring will allow for easier access helping to minimise the time it will take. You can also give them a touch of paint or try out a new colour theme for something different. It will make your garden feel like new on a small budget.
  • Jet wash - Any patio, decking or concrete area will have a build up of grime from over the winter period. Cleaning this couldn’t be easier and all that is needed is a good jet wash. Jet Washes have come down in price dramatically over the years and are now available at really competitive rates. If you prefer the old fashioned way then a bucket of soapy water and a garden brush would do the job.
  • Add some trendy plants - Buying a mixture of colourful plants will really help to brighten the garden up if it is looking tired from the cold, harsh winter. Our range of compost products would go with these perfectly and contain all the necessary nutrients and minerals required to give new plants a fighting start.
  • Bring your lawn back to life - Spring is the perfect time to remove any moss that has grown on your lawn over the winter. Simply use a stiff rake and pull it across the entirety of the turf. You will see it come away from your turf although some elbow grease is needed. Once the lawn is clear it is then a good idea to aerate it. Special equipment can be used to do this but we prefer a classic garden fork. Once this is complete finish off by sprinkling on some lawn feed.
  • Give your garden furniture some TLC- Before you think about ordering new garden furniture, work with what you already have and up cycle it, you will be surprised with the outcome and even more pleased with the money left in your pockets. Furniture is key to creating mood and ambiance. All you need is to scrub down the furniture and give it a good clean, then reupholster with some fabric and a staple gun. A small purchase of a few additional new cushions and accessories won’t hurt, sometimes it is all you need to refresh your outdoor furniture. No one will ever know it was a rusty old mess 2 weeks ago.
  • Stock up- It is national BBQ week on 25th – 31st May so stock up on a variety of tasty foods and show off your revamped garden.
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